Monday, November 28, 2005


Think I should definitely curb my use of this word... Yet it seems to slip off my tongue at every possible occasion, in every possible context.
For example it was the first word that came to mind when I thought of this weekend. I don't see why it should be, when so many other words would better describe it...
spontaneous, erratic, bizarre, chaotic, untypical, exceptional, unusual...
I could go on... instead I will let the thesaurus speak for me. In fact just looking at that thesaurus has made me realise why I use the word random... I mean 36 entries! That's 36 possible meanings!

In other words, je ne suis que paresseuse ;)

1 comment:

Dish said...

mmm... sporadically is a good word! Use it a fair bit already! Last year a certain ex-hallgroup leader sent a certain random short story in a 3 part txt which included the phrase "sporadic spangles of blood". It has heightened my appreciation of the word!