Thursday, December 01, 2005

C'est demander un peu trop!

Yeeees... ouais... the todo list is indeed far too long for the number of hours left in the next few days! As Sonja I think said, I have a negative amount of time to do an essay and project and play in 2 concerts, and do church, and bake and eat and sleep... hmmm...

On the + side... mes points forts des derniers jours...
- Toby's amaaazing food... mmmmmm (sampling his gourmet cooking on a Monday night after band practice has become a regular thing! Music+food=quality time spent) Twas also well needed after the mad day of polishing off essays and arranging things for Wednesday which leads me to my second bullet point
- lunch with Maddy on Wednesday
- haggis on Wednesday night (I'm beginning to see a trend here!)
- all 3 of us being in for dinner last night for a change!
- God being so faithful on Wednesday, just as he always is!
- not being stressed the last few days when I should really have been
- talking to the random Moroccan in French last night at house group
- Dancing round the kitchen to beautiful rendition of Happy Birthday stuck on repeat at 8am (grace à Mr Breakey)
- talking to my mother on the phone (tho it made me late for a lecture, but then what's new?!)
- getting an advent calender from her in the post! yipeeee!
- Ben Folds Five

So all in all, it has been a mixed few days, but good!
In fact... as a few people have said to me a few times in the last few days

God is good!

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