Monday, March 06, 2006

On s'appararente

A weekend passed by in a very pretty part of the snow-covered lake-district and I learnt a few things...

- The volume and pitch of my laugh is hereditary
- Gloria Estefan has a Swiss sounding name
- I used to bear a strong resemblance to Elmo
- The word "bigunk" does not describe the noise made from when falling from a great height, nor is he one's oldest male relative, nor is it even when a seagull disposes of its waste on one's head, but rather, is to fool or deceive someone
- The years I spend as a student will most likely be the best years of my life
- Don't even attempt to fight over a bedroom with two lawyers

To summarise: My family are mad and I love them for it!


Anonymous said...

I just don't get it! I t snows in the north. It snows in the south. It even snows in the east! So where's the snow in Glasgow this year!?

Anonymous said...

"The years I spend as a student will most likely be the best years of my life"

That's an unusually despondent statement for you dish ;-)

Dish said...

You should have heard them talking about all the stuff they have to put up with at work! It scared me! :s Love the site Ken! hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Your thinking of Dalgety Bay