Doodled out some thoughts I'd been having over the last couple of weeks, this morning. Man I love spider diagrams for making sense of my jumbled up my mind. And they're so useful for studying too! :)
I hope it's legible! Please let me know if something on this doesn't make sense... let me know if it does too if you'd like ;)
Your handwriting's improved :p
Hey mate, loving the thoughts and also the fact that they exist in spider spider form. Now my quesion is, What is worship?
ha! I'm sooo not surprised you asked me that Dave! In this context I was meaning actually coming to know and understand and so love God more, which leads us to want to see Him further his kingdom in our hearts and all over because it is awesome and He is awesome. What are your thoughts?
P.S Just to say though, I think worship has a much wider definition than the one I've used in this context.
Sounds a lot like what I tried to communicate in my UCCF application! I totally agree with you but am interested to know what you think is the ratio of passive (natural) to active in us getting ourselves from worship to mission and on to more worship. How do we teach this truth to a young Christian, what would be taught as application?
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