Wednesday, June 27, 2007


We Scots spend far too much time talking about the weather... I don't know how I didn't notice it before. The people I meet at the bus-stop, the bus driver, every customer that comes in, shop assistants, my friends and family... no one seems to stop talking about it! Having been away from the country for 9 months really has shed new light and in this case irritation, onto things. Yet despite having ranted to several people recently about how annoying I find it, I'm going to go back on what I said. Because sometimes the weather merits being talked about. Like today, at this very moment, in the centre of Edinburgh, at the end of June, it's hailing...


Anonymous said...

yesterday it snowed in switzerland...

I think this is quite a special year for weather..

(or wait a minute.. am i starting a comment conversation about the weather.. hmm.. there is no escape.. even in switzerland!

Anonymous said...

Man you wanna be over here in Jersey> It's over ninety and soo humid! Total contrast to England which was poaring with rain when I left.

Dish said...

apparently every other country in the world is having normal or warmer than normal summer weather except for us! no changes there :)

Anonymous said...

Remember, we only talk so much about the weather because we get so much of it :)